Monday, September 30, 2013

Disappointment, Heat wave, Sushi and Japanese Lessons

So the other day a new friend and I met up for a drink after work.  Our plan was to have a drink or two at the Kimberly Hotel rooftop bar and then go to a jazz club where her brother was playing.  I have heard good things about the rooftop bar there and I have been wanting to try it.  This particular evening was also smack dab in the middle of a heat wave so it is disgustingly hot outside.  So I got to the hotel to wait for her, but then I got a text message saying that she was running late.  I am standing outside the hotel with sweat seriously dripping off of every inch of me.  A drink would be lovely right now.  So I decide to go inside and sit my sweat-covered ass on one of the lovely chair cushions in the hotel lobby while being covertly started at by the hotel employees trying to determine if I am homeless, loitering, etc.  Then I overhear people asking about the rooftop bar and one of the employees says it is closed for a private party. What a bummer.  So I wait inside until I am sure I have outstayed my welcome and go back outside to wait.  Finally, she shows up and we find a bar to have a refreshing, cold beer.
We are just sitting at the bar chatting, and the girl sitting next to her is already drunk with her boyfriend and she keeps moving her stool so she is practically sitting on top of my friend.  So my friend said something to her.  The girl was definitely drunk and not entirely sure the girl understood English.  Then later out of the corner of my eye, I see this guy fall flat on his face.  He didn't crumple or anything.  He seriously fell like a tree that had been chopped down.  Then he laid there and didn't move. It was scary. He fell really hard.  The bartender raced over, practically jumping over the bar and helped his friends pick him up.  He was definitely bleeding, which I do not deal with well at all.  He was standing on his own and after a minute, he passed out again. but this time his friend was behind him and caught him before he hit his head again.  It was really scary because I saw his eyes go back in his head and he had blood on his face.  They got him to sit down and the bartender says to us, "What's the number for an ambulance?"
We look at him. Waiting for an explanation.
He says, "Is it 911?"
We were both like I don't know of another number to call for an emergency.  Maybe he was foreign (which most bartenders are).  Then the ambulance came and carted the guy away.  It was all so dramatic.  We couldn't tell if the guy was drunk or if it was the heat.  Maybe a combination of both?
So then we left and headed to the jazz club, which is called, "Something" Jazz.  It is owned and ran by Japanese people.  So we get to this place and it is upstairs in a nondescript building. Like where an apartment would normally be.
We were greeted by the people at the club in Japanese.
He bowed and said, "Konnichiwa!"
So I bowed too and said it back and the guy was so impressed.
So the music was already playing and it was a nice atmosphere.  We decided to order some food, which of course was SUSHI!
When the server brought our food, I said, "Domo." And they were really excited again! It was pretty cool.  we sat and enjoyed the music and food.  We were even shushed by the owner because we were talking too loud. Oops. Then when we were done, the owner came by to clear away the plates and he promptly lectured us on how we did not eat sushi properly.  Now I already knew  this because I have read many articles on how to eat sushi properly because I hope to go to Japan someday and not embarrass myself and/or get yelled at.  So my friend's faux pas was using too much soy sauce.  He said she drowned it and that makes it too salty.
Then mine was mixing the wasabi with the soy sauce.  Oh well. I still said, "Sayonara" on the way out. :)

P.S. Not the most exciting story that I have but just a typical, random Thursday night out in the city!

Monday, September 23, 2013


To survive in NYC as a single person, you need at least one distraction.

distraction : a guy/girl who is attractive and into you but for some reason (e.g., distance, job, age, education level, or laziness) you aren't sure you are ready for a full-time or even part-time relationship with (usually a heavily texting or social media interaction)

I wholeheartedly believe that distractions keep you from going insane in this city. I believe in having more than one distraction but it can get a bit crazy. Also, distractions help you to not dwell on one particular interest. It helps keep you level-headed and sane because you don't have the time or the energy to text stalk someone because your distraction is texting you. ;0

Although, distractions might have a shorter shelf life than other situations. Some people don't enjoy being strung along indefinitely. (If distance is one of the factors, it might last a little longer).  Since, they have a shorter shelf life, you might need to replace them often.

It also sucks when your distraction gets distracted and can't distract you anymore. You will need to find a new distraction.  It is always possible for a distraction to resurface.

You also might find yourself in the situation where you need a distraction (or two) from your distraction.  Now this is a little iffy because if you find yourself in the situation where you need to distract yourself from your distraction, there might be an argument that your distraction has become less of a distraction and more relevant than one would have originally hoped.  This is where finding new distractions is key.  If you do want to keep this other distraction but you think you need to back off for some reason (e.g., late night/drunken text messages, keeping your dignity), then you should definitely find other distractions that still boost your ego and make you feel attractive and keep your attention otherwise engaged.

This is very strategic but true.

Currently, I am entertaining 4 distractions all at different levels of interest but each capable of serving their limited purpose.

P.S. New York is a very fast-paced city, if you don't stay relevant, you don't exist.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Hellish Night that won't Die...

This particular night happened about 2 months after I moved to NYC.  The girl mentioned in the story has been featured in a couple of earlier stories in this blog but I will change her name here to be nice... (although believe me she does not deserve it).

So on a random Friday night, Tara asks if I would be interested in grabbing a glass of wine or two. She lives in Brooklyn but was willing to drive into the city and go out somewhere in my hood.  She said she didn't want a crazy night but didn't want to sit at home by herself either.  Understandable.  So I said, "Sure." So we went to Auction House.  The Auction House is a really interesting lounge/bar that has the weirdest rules to get, such as you have to be over 25 and not wearing fur. They stick to those rules too. I have seen it.  Also, it has this darkly lit, velvet curtains, naked Victorian lady paintings vibe.
So Tara and I are having a glass of wine at the bar, just talking and she wants to go outside to smoke.  We are standing outside and this guy walks up and just starts talking to us like he already knew us.  Like we were in the middle of a conversation with him and he had just walked away for a second. It was the weirdest thing.  I kept looking at him, trying to figure out what the heck was going on and if Tara did, in fact, know this guy. Tara just seems to be going with it.  By the way, Tara has a boyfriend that she lives with.  So I am just standing there and they are talking about Halloween (which was coming up), places to go and costume ideas.
He asks if he can buy us a drink and Tara agrees.  So he comes inside the bar with us.  Tara and him are talking and I am just standing there still trying to figure out exactly what is going on.  He then turns to me and says, "What is with your cunty attitude?" Full disclosure, I hate this word. I think it is one of the worst words you can call a woman.  I hate even repeating it. But, I think for the full impact of this story and the way I felt this night, it is necessary.
Now I am completely taken aback by this comment.  I have no idea what to say. I have said next to nothing to him and definitely did not deserve that.  So Tara acts like it is no big deal and I just say, "You need to apologize because that was completely uncalled for." He just laughed it off and Tara and him kept talking.
Now I know what you are going to say. I know, I know, I should have just walked out right there, but I didn't. So anyway he starts talking to me and when I am unresponsive, he asks if I am still mad.  I told him that I didn't want to talk to someone who uses that kind of offensive, oppressive language.  He said it wasn't offensive or oppressive. He said, "It isn't like women have ever been oppressed."  I said, "Really? Because it is my understanding that until pretty recently women were seen as property and did not have the right to voice."  He didn't have anything to say to that. Now I am not sure that I consider myself a full on feminist but frankly, I am pretty sick and tired of being a woman that constantly has to justify her education and that she IS, in fact, just as smart and capable as a man.
Then he started talking about the holocaust.  Why? I have no idea. So I said that I had actually read a lot about it and found it an interesting piece of history that hopefully we can all learn from and learn to accept people's differences. He then said that, "You need to get off of your liberal soap box and stop being anti-Semitic."
Me? Liberal? Anti-Semitic? What?
So then I tried to walk away and he tried dancing with me. I said, " Please leave me alone. You are clearly interested in my friend. Why don't you go talk to her?"
Tara at this point had wandered off somewhere else, leaving me with this guy.  He responds with, "Why can't you believe that I like you?"
So confused.
I said, "Maybe because you called me the c-word, and anti-Semitic."  So again I tried to walk away to find Tara and he grabbed my arm.  I started raising my voice, telling him to let go. The bouncer comes over and asks what the problem is.  I told him that I was trying to walk away but he grabbed my arm and wouldn't let go.  The bouncer then tells me that we didn't stop we would both be  kicked out. Seriously? I am trying to walk away, a strange guy grabs my arm and won't let go and I am going to get thrown out on the street with said guy. Yes, that sounds like an assault waiting to happen. Thanks. I did tell the bouncer that I am trying to walk away.  The bouncer did tell the guy to leave me alone and I walked away. I am assuming he left.
So then I found Tara talking to a big group of people, flirting with a guy who clearly had a girlfriend because she was giving Tara the worst looks.  As soon as I find her and try to smooth over that situation, she walks away again.  So I am left with that girlfriend yelling at me. Jeez. I just walked away again. At least the girl let me.  Did I mention that Tara has a boyfriend?? A really nice one too.
So then when I extricate myself from that situation, I find her talking to two old dudes at the other end of the bar. Can I just say by this point I am mentally exhausted? I really just want to go home.  I do not want to be following after a 35 year old woman, cleaning up her messes.  So those old guys are flirting with her and when I walk up they ask if would like to join them to partake of some cocaine.  I couldn't make this shit up if I tried.  Of course, I politely declined the offer. I actually think Tara thought about it.  Somehow we eventually were standing outside the bar with these same guys because she kept talking to them. Why would you let a little cocaine offer deter you? The one who offered was asking Tara to come home with him.  She got frustrated that he wasn't leaving her alone and finally acknowledged that she does, in fact, have a boyfriend and proceeded to scream, "I am not going home with you. I am not going to sleep with you. I have a boyfriend."  Well, that got him and his friend's attention and they took off.
So just when I think this evening is finally over, these three people approach us. It was a girl and two guys.  Something about the look of this group gave me the creeps.  Nothing I could put my finger on.  There were around the same age, they were dressed normal but still...
Anyway, they started talking to us (about what I have no idea) and then try to convince us to come over to one of their apartments, which was supposed to be around the corner.  It is sometime between 3 or 4 am. Not only has my night been shitty and completely draining, I am exhausted and I need to let my dog out.  So I try to make excuses but they aren't taking no for an answer.  It also seems like Tara wants to go to their apartment.  So I say I have to let my dog out. They all walk with me to my apartment.  On the way there, we got on the subject on why my night has been so bad so I told them about it.  Tara chimes in and says, "You are only offended because you are from Missouri.  People don't get offended by the c-word here."
The way she said it was like I was this complete and total hick that was being a baby.  After that I let my dog out and let them all know that I was going to bed.  I asked Tara repeatedly if she was ok and told her she could stay with me.  She insisted she was fine and that she wanted to go to these people's apartment.  There was nothing more for me to say or do.  She is a big girl.  Side note: I didn't think Tara was that drunk.  I only recall her having 2-3 glasses of wine but there were plenty of moments where I didn't see her.  She seemed to go from completely fine to wasted in the blink of an eye.  So I went home and fell asleep.
The next morning I heard from her saying she walked with those people for a couple of blocks and then decided that she wanted to go home.  She said it took her almost an hour to find where she has parked her car.  Then when she was driving, she hit something and messed up her car so bad that it couldn't drive so she had to take a cab and have her car towed.  When I told our mutual friend this story, she told me that she hit a cab! Ugh. I decided after that night that for many reasons she was not a good friend to have.  She didn't stand up for me with that loser, she made fun of me, and got me into crazy situations.  She is just too much drama for me.  I actually ran into again much later but that is a story for another time.  By the way, she is still bat shit crazy!
P.S. Sorry it is a long one. :)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Typical vs. Rare Actual Commute on the Always Pleasant Subway

So here is an example of a typical commute to work:
Usually I make it to the 2-3 blocks to the subway uneventfully (now I live 1 very steep avenue further away, boo hiss).  Most likely I will be listening to music on my iPhone to encourage myself to walk faster and to blissfully ignore any potential deterrents or unpleasant disturbances (e.g., panhandlers, crazies, construction workers, just overly horny men in general, etc.)  Next, I am standing on the platform.  I guess I left out the fight through the turnstile, while people are trying to come out the same said turnstile. You just have to barrel your way through or you will be standing there forever.  Also, have your subway card ready. Seriously. Did you just walk all the way to the subway station and not realize you were actually going to take the subway? Was the walk down to the dank, smelly and ridiculously humid subway station sound like a fun thing to do at 9 am on a Tuesday? Just checking.
Check the next train to come on the countdown clock.  (I am fortunate to live near the 4, 5 and 6, which has the countdown clocks. It helps to relieve frustration to know when the next train is coming or not coming.)  Ok. Next train 2 mins.  Constantly look down the tunnel (while trying not to stand to close to the edge) to see if the train is coming yet.  Eye everyone around you. Size them up.  Get a real good look.  Can you take them if it comes between you and a coveted seat?
Train is coming, find your spot where you are certain to be strategically placed right to the right or left of the train car door.  This is all a crap shoot of course if for whatever reason the trains are delayed or you just get to the station at the wrong time and everyone is just smashed into the car together like sardines. Good times, good times.

I kid, I kid. (Not really.)

Ok. Here was my actual commute one morning:
On the platform, blissfully minding my own business, listening to music while playing a game on my phone.  The train pulls up.  The platform isn't crowded and neither is the car, so it is a good sign.  Wait for people to get off the train.  The girl who was waiting on the platform with me, stood on the other side of the door and then did not wait for people to get off.  She practically ran to get a seat.  I mosied on into the train conceding defeat to get the pole to hold on to.  I swear she kept staring at me triumphantly.  Like mocking me that she got a seat and I didn't. If that is the best thing that happens to her today, I feel sorry for her.  I just have to really feel bad for someone who poses a ridiculous competition with an unknowing, and unwilling person.  Seriously? Good job. Your life must suck if you feel the need to gloat to a complete stranger who was even trying for the seat.
So then I safely arrive at Grand Central and go to my normal coffee shop, Financier.  I swear to all that is holy, when I walked in at the end of the line there was a fairly dirty man awkwardly pacing.  Then I noticed him slip one of the fancy, expensive packages of pastries into his Ricky's bag.  Then he awkwardly moved around again and then just walked out.  I wanted to say something but what if I was wrong? I wasn't 100% certain of what I saw.  The more I thought about it, the more I seemed sure that I had in fact witnessed a mostly likely homeless man steal a box of overpriced pastries.  And the other funny thing was no one else seemed to notice either.  Not the works or any of the many people in line.  To be fair though, we are talking about people dying to get their morning caffeine fix and staring at a counter of pastries.  Obviously, that is much more important/pleasant than the dirty/homeless man pacing awkwardly.

On another note, last night I was at Molly Pitcher's having a drink with Jewel and none other than Stefan was sitting at the same end of the bar.  Remember him from like the most awful, awkward date ever when I first moved here???? He stayed at his part of the bar for awhile too.  It seemed like he might've recognized me and been trying to get my attention but I refused to look in that direction at all.  I am not as nice as I was 2 years ago. He does not want to try that again. Trust.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A new first: 2 numbers in 1 night.

So a last month, it was a good friend's birthday. Let's call her Mary. So she had a happy hour at Bryant Park Cafe for her friends.  Even her mom came and she was super cute. ;) Bryant Park Cafe is an open air outdoor bar facing Bryant Park and right up next to the New York Public Library (the one that is featured in the movie Ghostbusters).
So we are having a good time drinking and someone (I think it was Jamie) had brought a couple of containers of mini cupcakes from Baked by Melissa.  They were delicious but so many of them! An entire tray of like 12-20 cupcakes were uneaten and none of Mary's friends seemed to want them.  So I decided to help get rid of them. I tried to use them to help a couple of friends go up and talk to guys but while we were trying to decide who to talk to a guy came up and asked for a cupcake.  He was cute, usually my type but still it is rare for guys to just walk up to a girl in NYC, especially a girl with large group.  I told him they were not free.  He asked what the price was and I told him he had to do jumping jacks.  He looked like he was seriously about to start doing jumping jacks and then he said, "Well I really only came over to talk to you and I don't really want the cupcakes." Well played, sir.  He seemed really sweet although maybe trying a little too hard and just saying the things that he "thinks" that I want to here. Like for a 26 year old guy, he was telling me how his last couple of girlfriends had been significantly older than him and also that he liked to cuddle and watch chick flicks. And I am pretty sure that he said something about crying at certain movies. I don't know why guys think girls want to know or hear this. I know I don't. If I found out these things by spending time with a guy that would be ok, but to declare these things to a total stranger just makes you sound weird. Like it is a banner saying, "I am full of shit and I just want you to like me." I don't know. Maybe I am cynical but there it is. Anyway after telling me all about himself and his sensitive ways, he asked for my phone number. I gave it to him because let's be real, it is expensive to eat in this city.  Haven't heard from him since that night.  Why do the whole production? Of coming over and force feeding me these lines only to not go through with it? Doesn't that exhaust you? Or was the whole thing to see if he could even get my number? I just don't understand it. I mean, I don't really care that he never called me or asked me out BUT I just don't understand people who make considerable effort only to not follow through. I can't think of anything that I would make that kind of effort on just to not do anything with. I don't like wasting my time. Anyway.
Then Jamie and I were ordering some food at the bar and these two guys came up and starting talking to us (really good night!).  These guys were super young.  One of them was really cute, he looks a little like James Franco but not his crazy, scruffy homeless self.  His name was Joe.  The one's name was Joey. Hilarious, I know. It was Joe's 23rd birthday.  Turns out he went to the same college as Jamie. Small world.  They were really nice but really young.  They asked how old we were and Jamie chimes in really quickly with 28 (she's not 28) and therefore, I couldn't say 30 so i just echoed that I was 28, as well.  New experience for me.  I have never before lied about my age. Well, not made myself younger anyway. I mean I lied when I was in high school to say I was older.  Joe asked for my number. He did text me later that week wanting to hang out for that Sunday and we agreed on it but when it was Sunday, neither of us texted each other and haven't heard from him since. I am pretty sure that with him being 23, he has the attention span of a gnat.  I think I am just more excited that I had two different guys ask for my number in one night.
P.S. Currently, I am embarking on a new adventure of naughty/dirty texting with a boy who does not live in this city.  It is really fun to torture him as best I am able. Will fill you in on the specifics on a later post.