Wednesday, August 28, 2013

People and their Backpacks

So pretty much every other person on the subway wears a ridiculously large, filled to capacity backpack on the subway and usually during rush hour but of course this can be at any given time of day.  It is obviously more annoying during rush hour because of the already lack of space.  So I have noticed that these people that have these backpacks on appear to have had their short-term memory completely short circuited.  These people either do not remember packing these backpacks within an inch of its life and/or don't remember putting on said backpack.  Or better yet just can't seem to feel or notice the significant weight on their shoulders.  But what they do manage to accomplish is barreling through the sardine-packed subway car as if they don't have the weight of their entire apartment on their back. I guess it is a talent.  What is not appreciated is being the receiving end of a slap in the face, body check or resting place for this monstrosity.  Yes, I literally have had someone use my arm, shoulder, or purse to carry some of the burden of their backpack. Hmmm, I thought it was weird that my purse suddenly got 10 times heavier...
You try to wiggle out of it but it is a futile effort.  The worst is when they quickly whip their turtle shells around to smack you in the face either with the actual backpack or whatever dopey knickknack, key chain, or strap they have hanging from the bag.  I think I can safely say that I have never been on the subway with a backpack. Now you might be thinking, ahh poor students. They have all of these text books and look how far they have to carry them. NO. It is not all students. I would go as far to say that a majority of these offenders AREN'T students.  These people are professionals and people of all ages, sizes, etc.  What about the MTA's constant reminder to take your F***ing backpack off to be courteous to other riders??? Oh yeah, you lost them at courteous.

Sorry it is late and super short. Just got back from a wild trip to Vegas. The entries about Vegas will be a complete saga. In short, it was absolutely crazy.

Tip: Moving in NYC is exhausting, expensive and impossible. Just don't do it. Seriously. It is enough to drive someone to drink or to the loony bin (or both).


  1. Not sure you need moving to drive you to drink?

  2. Ha ha True. Although I did say "someone" and not me specifically. But for myself, it my be more accurate to say, "It is enough to drive me to drink more."
