Monday, August 12, 2013

People and their dogs...

Maybe this attitude is limited to the Upper East Side or all of Manhattan, not sure BUT these people are unhinged.  I have had more dog owners stand there with their dogs like they are inviting Maverick to come over to meet their dog and I approach slowly, looking at the owners in the eye so I don't catch them off guard and then all of a sudden, the fluffy 9 lb. Maltese turns into Kujo, nearly biting Maverick multiple times.  The owner just stands there letting it happen.  The owner doesn't even remotely try to control their dog.  Are they so rich that they don't care about being sued? How about about a freaking warning? I happen to love my dog and wouldn't like for him to be hurt by your fluff ball with an inferiority complex.  If Maverick ever even tried to act like that, I would have the decency to be mortified and we would both be running away with our tails between our legs. Jeez. I find it very hard to believe that any of these multiple instances are the first signs of aggression with these dogs.  You should stop spending money on clothes for the dog and think about obedience training.
Also, I think it is ridiculously rude, not to mention illegal, when certain people consistently (okay every time) let their dogs outside without a leash.  Especially the ones who don't mind their owners and just wonder aimlessly, usually up to me and my dog without so much as glancing in their owner's direction.  Okay, maybe I am a little jealous that I don't have a snowball's chance in hell of controlling Maverick without a leash but then again why is your off-leash dachshund following me down the street away from you.  Now I love my dog and most of God's creatures BUT I am only responsible for my own dog.  Believe me, I have considered getting another dog so that Maverick can have a friend but that is just much more than I can handle.  So when your dog is following me down the street, it is frustrating because I don't want to be responsible for your dog (imagine the whiny voice), and I shouldn't have to be.  So then I have to stop walking with my dog and wait for you to figure out your dog has wandered away from you  (so, sorry you had to interrupt your conversation but come and get your dog)!

Also, I would like to know why people have bought and use strollers for their dogs. Do they have a medical condition that prevents them from walking? Did they inherit the laziness from their owners? What is the deal?

On a more practical note, the other day I had to buy Maverick some more dog food and they stopped making the kind that he had been eating. So I bought some random kind but the only bags they had were either a 10 lb. bag or a 35 lb. bag.  10 lb. is too little and I would be constantly buying dog food but there is no way I can carry a 35 lb. bag home by myself. Plus their delivery fee is half the amount of the dog food. So I whined and the lady at PetSmart said I could take a shopping cart with the bigger bag of dog food. That was fun with all the dirty and weird looks and what is even funnier is when people are completely indifferent. Then on the way to take the cart back, I put Maverick in the cart. He didn't like riding in the cart. I forgot to get a picture of him in the cart (which was the cutest) but I did get proof that I did, in fact, walk down the street with a shopping cart and a large bag of dog food. Just another day in ole NYC. No big deal.

P.S. So now I have a 35 lb. of dog food that Maverick does not like. FML.
He seriously does not appreciate all of my effort.

1 comment:

  1. Even if I trusted my dog off leash, I could never let them loose on a street in NYC! I'd be worried! You should have stuck with the 10 pound bag until you knew if he liked it or not. Oh well. The dachshund wasn't the one that loves Mav was it?
