Monday, July 29, 2013

Promoters, Wankers and Men with Serious Psychological Issues...

So here is the 2nd part of the evening of the last post...

So the night just keeps getting better and better. So Jamie, her friend and I are trying to catch a cab home from the Meatpacking District at 3 am, which is just about impossible, a guy approaches me and asks, "Can I ask you a question?"

Of course my initial thought was to say get the hell away from me and stop trying to steal my cabs because I just want to catch a cab and go home BUT being the nice Midwestern girl I am (that refuses to be beaten by NYC), I said, "Sure..." (Very hesitantly.)

He says, "What would you say if I told you that I loved you?"

Now I just gave him this look, waiting for the punchline or the excuse that he is on ecstasy.  So given that it was 3 am was about the only thing that kept me from laughing in his face and I was just too tired given the events of the evening so I said to him, "Well, I would find that very off putting."

He says, "You seem like a girl who finds a lot of things off putting." (which is very true)  It is a good thing I have learned to no longer be insulted by random people's observations about me.  So I said, "Yes, that is probably true." So he says, "Come to a party with me." I will preface this with the entire time this exchange is happening, I have my hand raised trying to catch a cab. I am barely looking at him and he is (thankfully) standing about 3-5 feet from me. So I am not showing him any interest. I don't even know if I smiled at him.  The delusions that some men have... I will also remind you that he is a total and complete stranger so of course I said, "I don't think so, I just want to go home."

Then he says, "I hate you." Well there you go... So now this just annoying me and distracting me from the task at hand. So I said to him, "Has anyone ever told you that you might be bipolar?"

He says, "No, I just say a lot of things I don't mean.  All guys do." WOW. Well this IS true but still...

So I replied, "So either you are a liar or a psychopath.  You shouldn't disparage all men."

Then he says this gem, "Every guy is lying when they say I love you.  Every guy who has ever said this to you was lying."  Like I have said, I didn't ask for his opinion. I wasn't crying to my girlfriend about my love life (or lack thereof), I was minding my business just trying to go home. I will admit that when I was younger I would have actually given this asshole's verbal diarrhea some credence.  I would have been like, "Is that true?" I have no idea what his goal was or what he thought he was accomplishing by saying all of this complete crap to me.  Maybe he assumed that because I was going home by myself, I have low self esteem and can be easily berated into believing that I only deserve someone who treats me like crap. Whatever.

At least I am mature now (mostly) and I know that all of the crap coming out of his mouth is exactly that.  I just told him that I was choosing not to believe that and I immediately found where Jamie was and started talking to her.  When I stopped talking to him, he said, "I am bored. This is lame," and walked off. Yes, I agree. It must be lame when you come up and try in every way to insult and rile up a complete stranger only for them to not fall all over themselves at your feet. I wish you luck but keep walking...

That same night there was an insane, rude cab driver (which there are absolutely no shortage of those stories in this crazy city).  Will have to save that for part 3...
Be safe out there, it is a zoo.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

One Crazy Saturday Night

So as promised here is one more story of hopefully many more to come...

Last Saturday night, my friend and I met up with one of her friends.  Let's call my friend Jamie and let's call her friend Julie. Julie knows some promoters who got us into Marquee and she also brought several of her friends as well. Marquee is a club/lounge. We stayed at Marquee for awhile taking advantage of free bottle service and places to sit (because of our too tall heels) courtesy of the promoter connection.

Now how I understand this whole promoter thing is this... it is this person's job essentially to party. They encourage their friends, acquaintances, their friend's acquaintances, and just totally random people to go to these clubs.  I have no idea how or who makes money off of this but I will continue to take advantage of this completely frivolous lifestyle.  Maybe it is to encourage guys to come? I don't know. Clearly someone much smarter than I decided that there was a need for a position such as this and BOOM you have a promoter.

Anyway, after dancing and watching the scantily-clad go go dancers, we left to go to Manon, which is a restaurant turned nightclub/lounge in the later hours of the evening.  On our way there, Jamie and I were walking and I noticed a man sitting in a chair surrounded by garbage on the sidewalk where we were walking.  I should have thought it was weird that the man was sitting in a lawn chair in the middle of Manhattan after midnight.  Where can you even get a lawn chair in Manhattan? No seriously, where? But then on a closer look, I noticed that the man was not wearing pants or shorts or anything covering his lower half.  Immediately, I tried to avert my eyes knowing that this can't be good. So I start to walk faster, dragging Jamie with me.  Unfortunately, I still saw the man masturbating with his VERY large penis.  He also told us that he wanted to come all over us.  I definitely started running and immediately motioned for the girls behind us to hurry up.  Of course only in NYC would you tell a bouncer that this is happening a mere feet from the door of their establishment and then just look at you like, "And?"  One of the girls called the police. I have no idea what became of this very horny man but he was gone by the time we left. THANK GOD.

There was also this girl (strangely the same that called the police) who kept spilling every drink she had.  She didn't seem drunk or to be stumbling, but yet she constantly was spilling EVERY drink.  Like she would be walking completely fine with a half full drink and still somehow manage to spill it.  If it wasn't so annoying, it would have been an interesting case study in miracles.

There is more to this evening but alas I think I will make it a 2 or maybe a 3 part-er.  :) A girl should always leave a little mystery.

Be good,
Tip: A little advice from a dog owner, please ask whether it is ok to pet someone's dog.  DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT just start whistling or making various sounds at my dog or send your kid up to my dog.  This is not just because it annoys me greatly, which it does, but it is also for your safety. I know my dog looks like a fluffy sweetheart, which he is, but he could be a rabid, vicious, mean dog, who at my command is ready to bite your face off.  Not to mention that is just rude to start talking to my dog without recognizing that I am a human being and not a dog walking robot. (Whoa, that is a great idea.)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Here goes again...

So I find myself apologizing yet again to the vast empty space of my blog that reaches a few kind people. I have been lazy again. Again, it is not with lack of stories to tell that I haven't been writing but I promise that I have been aptly living my life and enjoying all the fun and crazy times that NYC has to offer. I will have been here for two years next month. That is craziness. I have had everyone in my family visit at least once and most more than once. I have managed to make (and lose) some wonderful friends. Something that has made all the difference in my happiness in NYC has been finding great friends that live near me. I have managed to find a great group of girls (and a few guys) that really seem to embody the types of friendships that I have always hoped for. People who genuinely love doing the same things that I do. No they don't think it is a crazy idea to have a Christmas/Hanukkah (Chrismakkah) caroling party/bar crawl (and we did!).

 So some highlights since we last spoke:
 I went snowboarding/ski trip in Vermont (and various places in NJ and NY).
 Have been to multiple GALA's to volunteer for the McCarton Foundation.
 Have joined two online dating sites/mobile apps.
 Got lost in the Bronx.
 Switched jobs.
 Attended a Friendsgiving.
 Weathered another hurricane.
 Turned 30.

Those are what I can think of right now. Maybe I will elaborate on some of those at different times.

 Under the very sweet and nice encouragement of a friend, I have decided to try to continue this blog once again. I am going to try to be practical about it. I have almost two years of stories to tell and not to mention what will continue to happen to your very own crazy magnet (that's me).
 Until then...
Tip: Before you travel to the big apple from another country, please learn the phrase "Insufficient Fare." It is what shows up on the subway turnstile when you don't have enough for a single ride. Continuing to swipe will not change this fact. It will save us all a lot of time and frustration. If you are a native English speaker and do not know this phrase, well... I doubt anything I say can help you now.