I promise I have definitely been out and enjoying my life and not being boring. :) Let's see. I still have nights where I go out and it just starts out watching a Mizzou basketball game on a Saturday afternoon, drinking a couple of beers BUT crazy Sarah rears her ugly head and gets me into trouble. She always does. So I was out with Trisha and her roommate who is from St. Louis. We were watching the Mizzou game last Saturday at Blackstone's, the Mizzou bar. Started out just a couple of pitchers of (yuck) Bud Light but of course we can't go home after the game. We decide to move the fun further south. We try to go to McSorley's which seems like a good place but waaaaay to crowded. We go to the St. Mark's Hotel bar which was LAME! Then we find this place called Phebe's (Bowery at E. 4th St. ). The inside of this place seems pretty cool. We sit and have a couple of drinks even talk to some cute guys. Now here is where the night gets a little dicey. We decide to leave, this I know but I have no idea why or how it was decided that we went to the next place which I am pretty sure was the 13th Step. We head to the back of the bar where there is a second bar. We found a beer pong table! We kept having people either say 'Go Blue!' or Ohio fans were mad at us. (Because they don't realize that we are wearing Mizzou shirts.)
Then I had a total douche say to me, "Mizzou didn't play today."
I was like, "Uh, yes we did. I watched the game."
He was like, "Football?"
I was like, "No, Basketball."
And he was like, "But you are wearing a shirt with a football helmet on it."
What a total douche.
It wasn't like I was wearing a Yankees hat to a Giants game. Some people. Then we decide to play the next game of beer pong. Trisha and her roommate played while I came up with the plan to distract the guys we were playing by dancing seductively while they were throwing the balls. It worked pretty well.
I also found a large group of Indian people. I decided to text my friend (who happens to be Indian) and let her know. Which obviously is of the utmost importance and riveting information that she probably had no idea that other Indian people lived on the island of Manhattan and being the good friend that I am, I had to alert her to this fact. By this time, clearly I am very drunk. I decide to walk up to these people and tell them that my friend is Indian. Not my finest moment, I admit. Again it was decided to leave. I have no idea whose idea it was. It could have been mine. I made it home to my dog who most likely was thinking, "Oh here is my drunk and disorderly owner, AGAIN! I am so proud." I am pretty sure I took him outside but I don't remember.
Unfortunately, I am getting older. Evenings like this result in taking about 1.5 days of recovery.
Another time I will have to share the night my coworkers and I went to a little hole-in-the-wall called Subway. We are all still laughing about it and it happened back in December. We are hopefully going out tomorrow night weather permitting. Also thought it would be fun (for anthropological reasons) to do speed dating. Will report. Over and out.